Saturday, April 20, 2013


Our pasts hold memories we can learn from. We learn things we need to work on, things we want to do again and again, things others did that we wont do, or things done to us that we would like to do to others as well. Two people I have learned a lot from are my Mom and Dad. Our past together has shaped how I see others around me and the world. There are many things they have done that I never want to do but there are also things that they have done that I want to mirror exactly.

My dad and I had a "Daddy Daughter Date" when I was six years old that I still remember. My dad let me pick a movie (I still remember it was Cats and Dogs) and then after enjoying a treat and some popcorn, we came back home to eat dinner together. Daddy set up a tent in the back yard -with my help of course (or more of my hindrance). We laid on the trampoline to watch a meteor shower and look at the stars. When my eyelids grew too heavy to keep open, my dad helped me into the tent and we spent the rest of the beautiful evening in there.

I think it is so important for parents to spend time with their children. This was just one example of a simple night that I have never forgotten. It meant the world to me. I remember having read-a-thons with Mom for hours on end. She would gather snacks and treats for us to munch on while reading in our pajamas book after book after book. My parents' effort and time they put into playing with me has shaped who I am and what I enjoy. This is one area of my past that I am going to learn from and do my best to fallow their example with my own future children.

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