Freedom and Fear
am free and I’m Afraid
I Wonder if I’m broken
hear the Stifling Rules offered by others
see boxes labeled “can” and “can’t”
want to Break All Limitations
I am free but I am Afraid
I Pretend to be satisfied
feel a need to Exceed expectations Always
touch the present while aching for a future
worry I am broken Beyond Repair
cry more often than I have a right to
free and I’m Afraid
understand I have been given More than I Deserve
I Believe everyone has a Purpose
I Dream of a Blissful state
try to Become More than I Am
hope to have No Regrets
free and I’m learning to be unAfraid
-tHiS iS a LiTtLe PoLm I wRoTe ThIs YeAr CoNcErNiNg FeAr
These are my feelings right now, as I face a huge cross-road in my journey in this life. It sounds more bleak than I'd thought it would. If you take a step back and really read it, you can see it's not so much about despair and fear; it's about feeling overwhelmed and stressed out but still learning, growing, and hoping.
Everyone has their own Fears, though I feel most people Fear rejection, being alone, not being "good enough," and not being accepted for who they are -myself included. I was introduced to a video that says we don't fear that we aren't enough; we fear that we are extraordinary. It's an interesting way to look at it and I encourage you each to search "Be Great, Powerful Beyond Measure" on youtube and read the whole thing, but here's just a bit of it:
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are Powerful Beyond Measure.......It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."
"You, me, or Nobody -is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can Get hit and Keep Moving Forward; how much you can Take and Keep Moving Forward. That's how Winnin' is done!"
So, lastly I'd like to leave you with this thought:
Don't Fear Failure.
When you Fail, you learn; when you learn you grow.
Fear not Becoming who you were meant to Be, for there lies an inability to live life to the fullest.
Life is a Gift....Just don't forget to Live it.
"I cry more often than I have a right to" I feel like I really relate to that! Good job :)