Courage has many forms.
The father who enforces the rules, regardless the consequences
The mother leaving an abusive relationship to safe the ones she loves
and herself
The boy who stands before disgruntled strangers to admonish and encourage them
The girl who covers herself properly
even if she will be shunned for it
The man who saves a stranger
even if it places him at risk
The woman who creates her own destiny, fighting the stereotypes
The student who leaves his/her friends because the content of their activity doesn't meet his/her standards
The brother who lives as an example to the people he loves
The sister who chooses to be alone in order to uphold her standards
Courage (2)
Do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe?
Will you remove yourself from bad language, When the movie is "bad" will you leave?
Do you have the courage to do what is right?
When the time comes, will you step between a fight?
Do you have the courage to be who you are?
When the night gets dark, will you shine like a star?
Courage is something we all struggle to acquire
because we know its the difference when things get dire
between choosing the path that will
make you
or break you
It will teach you and guide you
and help you to remain true
to the path that we all wish we had the strength to follow
the one that will have a high cost
but will never -not ever -leave you wandering; Lost
"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that
something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live
forever but the cautious do not live at all." -The Princess Diaries
Oh wow, a Princess Diaries quote. This post just got awesome!